Amodestri Associates
Amodestri Associates
"Our Passion and Purpose is to Educate, Inspire and Motivate others to Reach Their Full Potential"
"Training With Purpose"
Questions: Text: 470.253.5119 or Email: amodestriassociates@gmail.com
HeartSaver Courses: CPR / First Aid / AED
Flexible Class Schedule: Text 470.253.5119
Certification Received within 24-48 hours Ecard & Certificate
Bright From The Start Approved Trainings:
Flexible Schedule: Traditional or Accelerated, Weekdays or Weekends, Face-to-Face or Virtual
Schedule of Classes: 12
This CDA course is designed for participants to gain the knowledge necessary to become qualified teachers of young children. This course is based on a core set of Competency Standards, which will guide childcare professionals in assisting children grow in each developmental stage. In addition, this course prepares participants to successfully complete the process of earning the CDA national credential.
You will need to bring with you the following items:
1 - 3inch Binder and 1 – 2inch Binder
- Tab Dividers (need at least 18 tabs)
- Printed current copy of Bright From The Start Rules and Regulations and current copy of GELDS chart from http://decal.ga.gov/ChildCareServices/RulesAndRegulations.aspx
- Current Resume/Brief Bio (1 page minimum)
- Copy of High School Diploma or GED
Health & Safety Orientation Training, 10 hours Total Classes: 1.5 days
TThis training meets both Georgia Training Approval expectations and the CCDF requirements for CCDF Health & Safety Orientation Training. This training includes the following required content: 1. Prevention and control of infectious diseases (including immunization). 2. Prevention of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and use of Safe Sleeping Practices. 3. Administration of medication, consistent with standards for parent consent. 4. Prevention of and response to emergencies due to food and allergic reactions. 5. Building and physical premises safety, including identification of and protection from hazards that can cause bodily injury such as electrical hazards, bodies of water, and vehicular traffic. 6. Prevention of Shaken Baby Syndrome and Abusive Head Trauma. 7. Emergency preparedness and response planning for emergencies resulting from a natural disaster or a threatening incident (such as violence at a childcare facility). 8. Handling and storage of hazardous materials and the appropriate disposal of bio contaminants. 9. Precautions in transporting children. 10. Recognition and reporting of child abuse and neglect. 11. Child Development.
40 Hour Director Training I: Building My Foundation
Schedule of Classes: Text 470.253.5119
This course is a Bright from the Start state approved training that provides professional recognition for early childhood professionals to fulfill the 40 hour training requirement. This course will provide information regarding the roles and responsibilities of the Director of a childcare center. In addition, this course will provide information required to implement and maintain a quality rated educational program for children. Topics include: Program Management, Effective Administrative Systems, Marketing, Personnel Management and Staff Development, Facility Maintenance and Development, Legal Knowledge, Community Relations, Parent Involvement, Financial Management, Professional Development, Marketing, and State Requirements.
You will need to bring with you the following items:
- 2inch Binder (to create a director’s guide/manual with the assistance of the instructor – throughout the training)
- Tab Dividers (need at least 12 tabs)
- Printed current copy of Bright From The Start Rules and Regulations from http://decal.ga.gov/ChildCareServices/RulesAndRegulations.aspx
- Current Resume/Brief Bio (1 page minimum)
Training For Trainers I: TRAINER-PRENEUR
Schedule of Classes: Text 470.253.5119
This 40 hour Training for Trainers course is designed for participants to gain the skills, knowledge, and hands-on experience necessary to become Georgia State Approved Trainers. This course is based on a core set of Competency Standards, which will guide future trainers in assisting childcare professionals to grow professionally, and personally. In addition, this course prepares future trainers to successfully complete the process of earning trainer designation.
***Competency Goals: TRN1; TRN2; TRN3; TRN4; TRN5; ADM2; ADM9***
*** All training materials are included ***
CHILDCAREPRENEUR: "I'm NOT a Babysitter, I'm a Childcare Professional"
Schedule of Classes: 6
Are you a Family Childcare Provider, Director, Childcare Center Owner, or want to become a Childcare Professional, and you struggle with how to get started, and how to run every area of your program in a stress-free way? This training course is for individuals operating or want to operate a childcare program in their home, however, childcare center owners and directors will benefit, as well. CHILDCAREPRENEUR includes information regarding the roles and responsibilities of a childcare professional, and is guaranteed to help you grow personally and professionally. CHILDCAREPRENEUR will prepare you to streamline your business by adopting simpler working methods by implementing SMART strategies that will keep you in full control of your business everyday. In addition, this course is your reminder that, “You’re NOT a Babysitter, You’re a Childcare Professional!”
*** Competency Goals: ADM1, ADM2, ADM3, ADM4, ADM5, ADM6, ADM7, ADM8, ADM9, ECE6.1, ECE6.2, ECE6.3 ***
*** All training materials are included ***
*** Refer a friend to register and take the class with you, Receive $100 off AND your friend receive $100 off ***
DIVERSITY: INCLUSION SERIES 7: “Why Try To Fit In, When You Were Born To Stand Out?”
This 14-hour course was designed to educate, inspire and motivate childcare professionals to gain the skills, knowledge, and hands-on experience necessary to acknowledge, appreciate and embrace individuality. This course will assist childcare professionals with developing an understanding that every child is different/unique. In addition, course is based on a core set of Workforce Knowledge and Competency Standards, which will guide childcare professionals to grow personally and professionally.
Policies & Procedures Handbooks for Childcare Professionals, 4 hours
This Policies & Procedures Handbooks for Childcare Professionals course is designed for participants to gain the knowledge, skills, and hands-on experience necessary to write handbooks for their childcare program. Participants will gain understanding of the roles, responsibiliteis, and importance of writing handbooks. In addition, this course will increase participants' ability to implement written policies and procedures.
Child Abuse: Be Aware! Know the Basics!, 2 hours
This beginning class will explore the basics of child abuse, "To Know VS. Not to Know." Participants will be able to determine what is child abuse, and their role as a child professional.
Communicating With Parents: Let's Talk About It!, 4 hours
This communication course is designed for participants to gain the knowledge necessary to communicate effectively, avoid conflict, build productive relationships with parents, and increase parent participation. In addition, you will learn your communication style, the benefits of your communication style, and how to enhance your communication style effectively.
Director Training II: I AM THE DIRECTOR: "Analyzing My Roles & Responsibilities
Schedule of Classes: Text 470.253.5119
This Director Training Course was designed to help Directors move from understanding their roles and responsibilities, to applying strategies and implementing effective systems.
Training For Trainers II: TRAINER-PRENEUR
Schedule of Classes: Text 470.253.5119
This 20 Hour Training For Trainers course is designed to Analyze and Apply enhanced Instructional Design and Development Skills, preparing trainers to Create and Implement intermediate-level trainings for childcareprofessionals to continue to grow, professionally and personally.
Parent Seminar (coming soon!)